Robin's Ride For Women, Overcoming the Fear of Life and Helmet Hair

Please Help.Pledge now. Even $1 counts for New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity's Women Build Program and Grounds for Health. I rode my motorcycle alone across 44 states and parts of Canada through 20,226 incredible miles in 4-months 4-days. My site: This trip is about following your dreams. SEE A VIDEO ABOUT MY RIDE on streaming video:

Monday, July 03, 2006

E-mail I Can't Answer from Jennifer

I hope you read my blog Jennifer - who wants to go to Montana. I tried to answer your e-mail and it bounced back to me as denied to your edu address. I would love to send you my response if I can - do you have a different address? Here are some pictures from MT for you :-)

Jennifer is in her 20s and is finding her courage early - compared to women my age. She has a great story. It's about a dream of going to Montana - where I was born and raised - and she is going to finally go there! I hope I can reach her. Wouldn't want her to think I didn't care to answer. I would love to share more - but I don't have her permission - and won't have if I can't reach her. Bummer, but her note came just when I needed it. She is thanking me for encouraging her by my story and she did the same for me!

Hi Kt did - I met Petra from VTwin Mama, but not the Petra who has been writing me from NC. VTwin Mama Petra was cool though. We talked some and are looking at each others sites for helpful input. She just had her 5th anniversary for the site. Have you been there anyone? And thanks for the suggestion about pictures - I just accidentally figured out that the pop up blocker was stopping them! Go figure!

I have images of New Orleans up on the site now, but I need to go in and add captions. With two people in different parts of the world working on the same site - it takes a little juggling sometimes.

Tonight's the closing dinner for AMA and tomorrow morning is the start of the Women on Wheels ride-in. I'll go check that out too. It's 100 out - and that is just too darned hot! Even riding the bike doesn't cool you off!


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