Robin's Ride For Women, Overcoming the Fear of Life and Helmet Hair

Please Help.Pledge now. Even $1 counts for New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity's Women Build Program and Grounds for Health. I rode my motorcycle alone across 44 states and parts of Canada through 20,226 incredible miles in 4-months 4-days. My site: This trip is about following your dreams. SEE A VIDEO ABOUT MY RIDE on streaming video:

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Some People are Just Small

I know of only one, maybe 2 people who could be this mean - actually one and SHE isn't worth the bother. I know who I am - and from the sounds of it Ktdid, Road Captain and Harley Girl - you do to. Thanks.

Today was long - left at about 8:30 am and just checked in at about 11:30pm. Went back in to Kansas City today on the suggestion of Ron - the gentleman from the hail storm - who arranged for me to be at Reno's Yamaha while they had a special promo going on and got me some air time. Thank you Ron - you worked very hard to spread the word and I appreciate it very much. These are the real and selfless people who are out there.

Actually - I wondered how long before something like this would happen. There's always someone who can't see others do well.


Blogger Kathleen Jennette said...

Lucky we are in the computer age where the "delete" button is a perfect accessory.

11:00 AM  

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