Robin's Ride For Women, Overcoming the Fear of Life and Helmet Hair

Please Help.Pledge now. Even $1 counts for New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity's Women Build Program and Grounds for Health. I rode my motorcycle alone across 44 states and parts of Canada through 20,226 incredible miles in 4-months 4-days. My site: This trip is about following your dreams. SEE A VIDEO ABOUT MY RIDE on streaming video:

Friday, June 23, 2006

A Very Small World!

Can't get my images to upload - I'll keep trying!! SORRY

So I'm in Carthage Missouri, and I'm unloading my bike in front of the Precious Moments Best Western Hotel - no kidding - there really is one and it's big and pink! So anyway - back to unloading and 2 couples ride in on their bikes - two up - and one guy comes walking over and said he knew me and that I was doing some charity ride thing. I said I don't think you know who I am, and it turns out they saw me on the KOMO TV news cast donewhen I left Seattle and he recognized me and my red hair. What a small world!!! They live in the Seattle area and had just shipped their bikes to Chicago and were riding back to Seattle via Route 66 - how cool. John and Jan Marie - Jeff and Debbie - thank you so much for the best pick me up! I needed your smiling faces - and thank you so very much for your generous contribution!!! Rubber Down and Have the most fun possible on your adventure! Keep in touch.

Hi Ktdid - Glad you are still checking in. Don't be jealous - Share my new friends, and you don't have to share my sore tired butt :-)

I was caught in a sever thunder and hail storm yesterday, and it turned out to be a great thing. I met a gentleman named Ron who was caught in the same storm and bougth me soup at a truck stop. He left me a message this evening that he had talked to Reno's Yamaha near Kansas City and that they said I could come over to their dealership tomorrow and be on the radio talking about Robin's Ride! That is great and so unexpected! Thanks Ron and I look forward to meeting or talking to the other people you mentioned. Didn't get to meet Gail of Gail's Harley Davidson, but maybe tomorrow at their outdoor BBQ lunch. Ron tried to talk to her too. I am over 100 miles south of Kansas City - but I am going to go right back up there. Can't miss out on that publicity to spread the word and get some pledges of sponsors! Will be a killer day tomorrow because I need to get within striking distance of New Orleans to be there on Sunday night.

I tried to get to the Harley plant where they make Dynas and got there just when they closed. A nice lady let me in to the gift shop and I got a pin. Then I talked to security to see if there was anyone I could talk to and there wasn't, but they were very nice. Then outside I asked one of the employees where Gail's Harley was and this is his picture. I hope his name was Mike - and if not - you have to let me know and I'll change it. Thanks!

Rubber Down to all my new traveling friends!


Blogger Kathleen Jennette said...

Get Real ain't too real and can go screw the sidewalk....ok Robin I said it for you--be the humble person that you are and just delete that guy outta here.
I am enjoying every bit of this fundraising journey of yours, and hope you get to the radio show to spread the news! You really have to pat yourself on the back for this selfless effort and be careful on your ride down to New Orleans... knowing you are really gonna have to ride there in one long haul.... take it easy enough to really enjoy what you are doing here!! Love the fact that you met two people who heard of you--the best is meeting the people--I love that!!

Happy Trails,
KT Did

4:48 PM  
Blogger Robin's Ride said...

Hey there Ex :-) Thanks!

Judy is a lucky girl. I'm a lucky girl.

I guess people might not understand being married for 29 years, getting a divorce and still being friends. Glad we are for sure!

The journey continues.

11:47 PM  

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