I'm in Orange County, NY

Spectacular sunset in Kentucky on the way to Mayfield last week. All rights reserved again :-)
Hey out there - how come nobody commented about the cool cat picture. Well now I'm going to have to put up the dog picture that I got today. It's a Great Dane with a pink t-shirt - I kid you not. Need to hook up and download it tomorrow.
Thanks to Rick and Pierre for the chat tonight - they are from H-D of Seattle and Rick is handling all of the donations I am getting for the auction when I get back in October.
I just keep meeting cool people everywhere I go. I'll be having lunch/coffee with someone from OCC tomorrow - need to ask if I can use their name before I put it up - but it's not one of the guys. They happen to be on a west coast tour and heading for South Dakota - I'll miss the big run this year but probably shouldn't go by myself anyway. Well, El Toro PooPoo, I just can't make it and still get to Nova Scotia (I hope) and back down to VT for a reception with Grounds for Health on the 10th. They are really planning a great reception for me and I will get escorted by the Rolling Thunder and people from Green Mountain Coffee! How cool is that!
I met a guy tonight who is a hair dresser and a gentleman who proves chivalry is not dead. He offered to do my hair but I am chicken (he does this for a living). It is falling out on this trip. When any of you meet me I will be bald! Getting old sucks some times :-)
To everyone who has kept me at their homes while on this trip - you are truly exceptional people to offer a complete stranger such hospitality and it will come back to you three-fold!
Don't stop writing and I'll be better about updating the blog :-)
Poet - I'm truly sorry for the loss of Crazy Larry and I know you miss him, as does all of his good friends in New Orleans.
Smurf and Dayna, treasure each other, you deserve it.
Emillie, so sorry for your loss and can't wait to give you a big hug when I get back to New Orleans!
Kim - where are you???
If any of you want to know anything in particular - just let me know.
Love and hugs to all!
Hey Robin!! You are really doing it girl! So happy things are going so well. Love the sunset pic..looks so beautiful. Anyone decided to ride along with you to a stop or two? I went on my own little excursion and got heat exhaustion--ughghghgh. How's the weather been for you? I am so happy your donations are coming in for your organizations!! You take care kiddo and hope you come my way.
Ride Safe
Happy Trails,
KT Did
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