The Surprise Place: Milwaukee Iron in Lynchburg, VA!

The surprise place I visited was Milwaukee Iron. Randy and his wife Rhonda were very gracious hosts. They let the two newspapers and the TV station come to their business to interview me and they also gave me a tour of the facility. Pretty cool. They also took me out for dinner and Big Al and Tucker hung with me for a couple of drinks. And while I was there a couple showed up out of no where on a vacation and they let them come in and see the business too! Great people for sure! They also contributed to the cause before I even asked, because I have to be honest and admit that I would have asked :-)
Notice the picture of the fish and the guy delivering it to my hotel room - freshly cooked for my breakfast - is Randy's brother Rick. (If I got any names wrong - I so apologize and let me know) He said he would do it, but I didn't think he really would. Al said he was a man of his word and that I better be ready in the morning.
They had great memorial pieces around the shop for Gary. If you didn't know, he passed away in September of 2005 at the age of only 52. That's his picture up in the top left and those are his work clothes in the picture beside him. In the lower left is Big Al. Under Gary is me and Randy.
To all of you there at Milwaukee Iron, thank you very much for your hospitality. I had a great time!
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