Robin's Ride For Women, Overcoming the Fear of Life and Helmet Hair

Please Help.Pledge now. Even $1 counts for New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity's Women Build Program and Grounds for Health. I rode my motorcycle alone across 44 states and parts of Canada through 20,226 incredible miles in 4-months 4-days. My site: This trip is about following your dreams. SEE A VIDEO ABOUT MY RIDE on streaming video:

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Over 11,000 and trying to catch up for you!

I'm going to catch up with some images here today if the computer will let me. I have to admit I'm a little tired, but "There are miles to go before I rest".

Here's that dog I promised - when no one commented on the cate in an earlier blog. This was a rest stop in Connecticut. Don't know why the shirt but he was strutting like he knew he was looking good. :-)

Here is a picture of a replica of the bike OCC made for Will Smith, "I Robot" I believe. Didn't get to meet Paul Sr., Paul Jr, or Mikey - bummer.

Here I am on the ferry going to Nova Scotia.

Here I am in Nova Scotia :-)

Here's my bike with a dead battery in Vermont and getting towed in to Toronto (lost my windshield on that tow, bummer)!


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