Katrina One Year Later
Today New Orleans is going through a healing process by having many memorials, gatherings and programs showing how it was during and after the storm. I wish them all well. There is a lot of healing to be done and it will take a long time. Even so, people here want everyone to know that they are working hard to bring New Orleans back and that they hope we will keep coming back to help and to experience all that New Orleans has to offer even now.

This is Alexander Filmore and he is helping his 67 year old Aunt Elsie Mae by gutting her home and trying to get it back to where she can come back. This only one of several homes of his family members that he is working on - when he is not working at his regular job. Imagine doing this type of work in over 90-degree weather with humidity like a sauna! Even so, he's just glad that he still has his family. Thanks Alexander!

I am standing in Alexander's Aunt's house in front of a toilet that is pouring water out of the pipes. Imagine this situation in 100's of other houses and the depth of the devastation to heart and home. Please help me help these people. Billions of dollars are pouring in and out of New Orleans, but the regular people still need our help and many need homes. They are doing this work themselves and need help.
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