Robin's Ride For Women, Overcoming the Fear of Life and Helmet Hair

Please Help.Pledge now. Even $1 counts for New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity's Women Build Program and Grounds for Health. I rode my motorcycle alone across 44 states and parts of Canada through 20,226 incredible miles in 4-months 4-days. My site: This trip is about following your dreams. SEE A VIDEO ABOUT MY RIDE on streaming video:

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Over 1.6 million without power, some for over a week!

The greater Seattle area had the worst storm in our history just two days before my auction. Over 1.6 million people lost power for days. Thousands - including my home - were without power for at least a week, and some longer than that. I lost several trees but none hit my home, just lots of clean up. It was hard on all.

The dealership/host was without power and closed the day before, but had it back the day of the auction. Needless to say the attendance was very minimal - only about 20 people. Now the 20 who did show up had a great time and were very generous with their purchases. I had figured if 100 people showed up and spent $100 each (not hard for such an event), it would be a huge success. It looks like the numbers could have worked relative to those who came - just had bad luck with the storm and timing.

So now I will be doing lots of E-bay and/or Craig's list... Can't give up that easy. I'll start just after the 1st. Taking a couple of days off so to speak.

Follow Your Dreams in 2007!


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