November 16th, 7-10pm, come have fun while helping others!

Isn't Fall Beautiful!!!
November 16th, 2006 will be the Robin's Ride For Women dinner and auction. So far there are over $10,000 worth of items to bid on! Why not spend your Christmas dollars where others who need it can benefit? There will be food, beer, wine, soda and live music, all at Harley Davidson of Seattle in Lynnwood, WA - the host of the auction. Their logo and address are on my home page.
Also, I will be giving a presentation, show images of my ride and tell you of many wonderful people I met along the way. Auction tickets will be $20 each. You can charge them through Pay Pal on my site at and then go to the contribution page. Just write into the note section that it is for tickets. Or you can mail in for the tickets to: Robin's Ride For Women, P O Box 2073, Bothell, WA 98041. I will then have your tickets waiting for you at the door, unless you would like them mailed to you.
I hope to see you there!
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