Well I just got back from doing my first motorcycle show in Snohomish, WA. It was great and I met lots of good people. I had a lot of positive response and I am very grateful to those who pledged or donated at this event. Just heard the new hurricane season starts June 1st and there is so much to do. My booth has the red table cloth - of course. Had to match the bike.

I had the priviledge to meet Mike Dalgaard, Publisher of Quick Throttle Magazine, He was very kind and helpful. Thank you Mike! If you have never picked up a copy, you should. They are regional from the west coast to the central and southern states - soon to be everywhere. And that's good for all of us riders who want to keep a handle on what is happeing in your area. There is always a great list of events and shows. Mike - if you see this and I said it wrong let me know because I can't blame the editor :-)

I came home in a heavy rain storm, and I ended up with some very interesting helmet hair. These strands were hard as a rock and sticking straight out. Still working on overcoming that fear!

Cossacks in stacks - say that three times really fast :-)

And one can never be too young for a chopper! This bike actually ran, in a very safe toy type way, and he was a very happy boy.
Hi Robin,
KT Did here and wishing you all the best of luck. I started riding one year ago and am taking my first solo trip to Northern California from Southern California in a couple of weeks!! I will be linking you to my blog...ride on over. Would love to meet you if you get down this way! Also will be pledging your ride!
Happy Trails,
KT Did
Great blog! I found you from KT. I admire women like you and her. Maybe someday I'll get the guts to learn to ride!
Is this how I talk to you - I left a new blog becasue I'm not sure.
Thank you so much for your support. I find I continually look for e-mails and comments on the blog. I just need to figure out how to use the darned thing!
I am working on a book about all of this, and the reasons why I'm doing it. When I come across women like you kt did and also bar bar a, I am glad I am doing all of this. But then I want to share what I hear and learn. Do you care if I mention you in writing or talking to people? I want to remember my first blogs.
Thanks again - and I'm a lucky girl!
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